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HeartMath 101:

Making Your Emotions

Work for You

Learn the skills and techniques necessary to
increase your energy, align yourself daily, and
up-level consistently to live a healthier life.

  • Want to turn stress into resilience, clarity, and positive emotions?

  • Want to recharge your battery throughout the day instead of draining it?

  • Want to gain clarity on unconscious obstacles and change outdated behavior?

  • Want to implement new problem-solving techniques you've never seen before?


    Now Enrolling for: October 16th- November 20th, 2024

    Get energized on demand, so your daily life is more enjoyable.

    Boost your daily performance and make better decisions.

    Expand your flexibility and resilience.

    Reverse the negative impact stress has on your health, work, and quality of life.

    Enhance your decision intuition and creativity.

    Increase awareness of how thoughts and emotions affect the body and the resulting impact of coherence.

    Get in the zone intentionally and at anytime.

    Eliminate negative and inefficient emotions.

    Effectively manage anxiety, pressure, and excitability.

    Increase confidence and self control, and regain energy for better living.

    Improve focus during stressful moments.

    Effectively prepare, shift, and recover attitudes and emotions to feel better more often and optimize energy.

    "HeartMath is the owner's manual we've been waiting for—

    to help us recognize and utilize our heart's energy to help heal our bodies and our lives."

    — Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

    PROVEN Stress Intervention Techniques & Performance Boosters

    HeartMath® is the only scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques and objective biometric feedback that quantifiably—and dramatically—boosts the health and performance of individuals and organizations.


    The Heart Math system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices.

    This enables people to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, insights, and health.

    According to the Institute of HeartMath, a research organization based in Santa Cruz, CA, different emotions trigger different heart rhythms, sending different messages back to the brain. These messages determine what your brain tells your body to do, from effective performance on one end of the spectrum to choking on the other.

    Over 1,400 people at six global companies showed the following results were sustained six months after after taking HeartMath training:

    60% reduction in anxiety

    45% reduction in exhaustion

    41% reduction in job dissatisfaction

    24% improvement in the ability to focus

    25% improvement in listening ability

    17% improvement in home/work conflict

    In today's ever-changing, complex world, stress seems to be the norm. People are incurring stress on many levels, much of which is unconscious, from their personal lives to their work environment, the stress of loved ones, and the chaos of society... every day.

    The HeartMath techniques are research-based and scientifically proven to reduce your physiological stress response and allow you to reset and shift into a more coherent state of mind and body. These techniques are simple and designed to be used on the go so you can tap into the wisdom of your heart to take the wear and tear of the stress out of your life.


    Meet your HeartMath instructor, Stefanie!

    Author of the best selling book, Yes First, Taking Action in Uncertain Times, and executive and transformational coach for twenty years, Stefanie helps her clients' vision become their daily lives.

    From gold medal-winning Olympic athletes to philanthropy-driven CEOs, cutting-edge professionals, and entrepreneurs, Stefanie has coached them all.

    She is a HeartMath Certified Coach, giving clients simple techniques to change their physiology in two minutes. She is a catalyst who leads individuals, teams, and organizations in coherence, transformation, and heart driven leadership.

    Stefanie Co-Founded Conscious and Carefree, a learning forum and community dedicated to joy and meaningful productivity. She interviews thought leaders, facilitates Heart-Driven Masterminds, and contributes articles to the media on tools, insights, and techniques learned to live an extraordinary life.

    Stefanie guest appears on news forums, TV shows, and podcasts and hosts episodes on Awake TV based on her Coaching Guidebook Series. Human Potential is Stefanie's life's work.

    What Others Have to Say...

    Our clients experience life-enhancing results, and that's why we're here.

    Heart and brain coherence is the process whereby we learn to self-regulate—developing our ability to generate emotions from within rather than waiting for something outside of us to dictate how we feel.

    Dr. Joe Dispenza

    I said Yes First, which is the title of Stefanie's Best Selling book, and made a decision to receive guidance on learning to self-regulate my emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock my heart's natural intuitive guidance.

    Tonic L.

    As an entrepreneur and business builder since 1989 I have been fortunate as a majority shareholder to have been able to fund and assemble different teams to grow and sell two divisions of the company, Next Proteins Inc. These businesses were in the health and wellness space, particularly whey protein-based nutritional products. Additionally. Next Proteins has invented, developed, and funded 6 US and International Patents for carbonated protein drinks in 38 countries worldwide.

    During the period from early 2008 until December 2012, Stefanie worked with me as my only Executive Coach. During this time, I sold one of the company divisions to a group of successfully private equity investors. Stefanie and I would talk or sometimes meet for an hour each week, 44 years a year. Her coaching skills and advice on both a professional and life decision-making basis proved invaluable. So much so that the mark of a great coach is that the student eventually is able to operate using the baked-in skill sets to be able to function autonomously. This I do today.

    My time from 2008-2012 with Stefanie was an anchor in my life each week for those years. Our Friday 9am call time was when I knew I would be able to crystalize answers to unresolved issues I was facing at work and sometimes in life. Stefanie's counsel, questioning, insights, patience, and demeanor were instrumental in my significant personal and professional growth for me. In fact, she started working with me originally because I was behaving in what could have become a terminally destructive manner with my team.

    Her work with me resulted in a 180-degree change in some of my dysfunctional beliefs, values, and expectations. The result was a fun, relaxed workplace that produced results while I was increasingly less stressed by my role and interactions in the office. The end result for me and Next Proteins was we were able to successfully sell again and have 90% of the team stay there. I would not hesitate to re-engage Stefanie again if I felt I needed a realignment or a check-in. Furthermore, I would highly recommend Stefanie for any position or consultancy she applied for.

    David Jenkins • President & CEO, Next Proteins Inc.

    The Butterfly Project has worked with Stefanie since 2012. She has a heart for social justice, art and education, which are the founding principles of The Butterfly Project's mission.

    Stefanie was instrumental in helping us take a failing business model of operating from scarcity and low-hanging fruit to one of vision, including a strategy for reaching to larger organizations to drive our mission to completion.

    She effectively guided our infrastructure team to support the growing demands.

    Stefanie is a passionate, highly principled advisor and has helped us to clarify our mission and best practices, as well as guidance with written presentations, the case for funding documents, and focus group support with our marketing materials, including documentary films and educational lessons.

    I highly recommend her to those looking to improve the culture, morale, and efficiency of their teams and organizations.

    Cheryl Rattner Price • Executive Director & Founder, The Butterfly Project

    I so look forward to my weekly call with Stefanie, as she is the touchstone that helps me keep things moving forward.

    Stefanie is insightful and has helped me understand and overcome some blocks I was facing through her encouraging, uplifting style of coaching. I can't recommend Stefanie highly enough.

    Jeff Chean • Co-Founder & Chief Coffee Guy, Groundwork Coffee Co.

    I have known Stefanie for a number of years. Initially, while overseeing the work-life balance programs for Qualcomm, Stefanie and her partner were brought in for some training for our engineers. The content was on-point and engaging, even though we ended up going in a different direction.

    Since then, I have had the pleasure of interacting with Stefanie from a coaching perspective and find her to be thoughtful, caring, and, most importantly, extremely insightful. She listens attentively and offers guidance, and suggests action that really does move the needle in a positive direction.

    She has a keen understanding of the engineer's mindset and works well in a technology-oriented culture. I highly recommend her for coaching!

    Dave Beadle • Veteran Integration Consultant


    "HeartMath found that five minutes of feeling love and care can strengthen your immune system for up to six hours, whereas five minutes of feeling angry can weaken and suppress the immune system for six hours. Love releases very powerful, beneficial chemicals into the body." ~ Marci Shimoff

    What You Get in HeartMath 101:

  • Weekly group instruction on Zoom

  • Private email communication between sessions, if needed

  • Seven, 45-min HeartMath sessions with Stefanie

  • A new HeartMath Breathing Technique each week

  • An audio recording of each HeartMath Technique for practice on your own

  • Handout materials of all strategies and guide sheet to monitor your progress

  • HeartMath's Award Winning Technology Inner Balance to monitor your Heart Rate Variability, Coherence, and scores at home; ask Stefanie

  • Now Enrolling for: October 16th- November 20th, 2024


    Prefer Private Coaching?

    You will become skilled in primary HearthMath techniques with your own personal coach to help you focus on your own personal effective integration and application of the HeartMath system to radically improve yourself and your life.

    Private clients will also learn how to measure their progress and physiological changes with HeartMath's award-winning Inner Balance™ technology.

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will there be make ups if I miss a session?

    No, sessions will be recorded and you may watch the recording.

  • Will I have to share my experiences with the group?

    YES! Exchanging experiences and ideas helps the entire group learn and grow. Sharing is encouraged to receive the most out of this group course.

  • Are private sessions available if I prefer not to work in a group?

    Yes! Limited private sessions are available for a higher fee, if space permits.

  • Do I have to practice Heart Based Breathing Techniques at home between sessions?

    Yes! Think of HeartMath Strategies like lifting weights at the gym. The more you practice the better and quicker results you will feel and notice.